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Back to Winter


First of all, my apologies for the high quantity of low quality iPhone pictures. Maybe some day I'll buy a camera...

My last post ended with an upcoming attempt on Freerider, which eventually fell through. A nasty case of Poison Oak and an even worse cold shut down Cheyenne and I after the first 12 pitches. We ended up rock climbing around Tahoe for the rest of her visit, enjoying the beautiful climbing at Donner Summit.

Cheyenne feeling the effects of a cold near the top of Free Blast

Hiking up to Mayhem Cove near Emerald Bay in Tahoe

The South shore classic: Space Invaders

Looking out at Donner Lake during sunrise

After that, I rallied my friend Sam to either a) get back on El Cap or b) get my (borrowed) gear back off the face. Eventually, weather did not cooperate and our time ran out. We managed to clean the cache of gear and even throw a few top rope laps on the boulder problem. 'Till next time...

Sam rapping over the Enduro Corner

An incredible heli rescue beneath us at heart ledges

We made a sneaky escape from the valley the next morning, where some icy roads slowed us down in Tuolumne Meadows. It was so pleasant up there that we decided to climb the rest of the day. Unbeknownst to us, they had closed the highway shortly after we entered and we were locked inside when we tried to cross Tioga. Fortunately, a nice ranger came by and let us out after a short wait.

Some Scenic TM bouldering

Perfect edging at East Cottage Dome

To close out my California trip, I spent a few days with my family for thanksgiving and cruised over to Bishop, where Cheyenne was working. I was able to stay with The Climbing Academy and tour some of the classic boulder problems. Between climbing days, they let me sit in on class and enjoy their home made meals.

Rainbow Orchards, one of the many Apple Hill attractions

Putting up a fun new route with my sister at Slick Rock Dome

Alex warmed us up on an excellent smear of ice, allowing me to "ease" back into ice climbing.

Afterwards, I took us up a classic and well formed mixed route (Noah pictured here)

It was an abrupt but appreciated change of pace. The next few weeks consisted of guiding classic multi-pitches, teaching clinics, and getting a few personal days in.

Joel cruising up a very wet Cleopatra's Needle

Andrew belay's Ian up the fat third pitch of the Big Sleep

The Bridgers showing off at sunset

Between the cold days in Hyalite, there were a few (that were also chilly!) on the limestone cliffs of Natural Bridge State Park. Having Cheyenne around for her break was all the excuse I needed to get on the rock.

Adventure Time on a reasonably cold day

Two weeks later- seems likes winter finally set in

I couldn't resist a little bit of skiing here and there, especially with the crazy amount of snow we've gotten this season!

Ry guy skiing off the hangover on New Years day

Quicky laps at History Rock

More recently, we got to climb some possibly new ice that my friend Ryan scoped out a few weeks ago. We borrowed (a borrowed) snow machine from a friend and cruised ~10 miles back to some short, techy flows. All in all, good fun combining winter activities.

From left to right: The Reach Around, Heinous Anus, and Just the Tip

Ryan following The Reach Around

Ryan on Heinous Anus

Me on Just the Tip

Just last week, I invested in a new car to commute up to Hyalite. It may be the best dollar I've ever spent... I also got the chance to climb a rare route called Rocket Boy- more to come in the next post.

Thanks for reading!

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